Friday, March 24, 2006

New Online Podcast Player!

Sonovista, my friends! Well, i'm not sure what's going on with the very nice folks over at, but their online podcast player still hadn't picked up Episode 8 ("the -ocho-") as of 9pm california time, tonight, so i took off my lawyer hat and then my comedy hat and then my psychologist hat and then my podcaster hat and put on my hacker hat and viola! we now have a new online podcast player hosted directly on the schnauzerlogic server, and which should always be up-to-date. major thanks go out to Jeroen Wijering who wrote the underlying flash player code (and is making it available for free under a creative commons license)... please let me know if you're having any problems using the new player... i'm going to see if the player can be modified to permit the actual downloading and saving of the mp3 file (which some of you have asked for)... and if there are any other requests for the online player, just ask.

Have a great weekend... we've gotten a few offers to be a guest co-host, and i'm going to see if i can give everybody a shot (at least for a segment or two, over the next two weeks)... if you're interested and haven't let me know, drop me a line.

And until wednesday (or until something else blows up)... namaste... robin

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