This is Arthur Rock. He is considered one of the first venture capitalists. He was an early investor in Apple, a member of the board of directors, and may have been responsible, directly or indirectly, for Steve Jobs' ouster from Apple, depending on which blog you read.
In 2013 I purchased a ticket for the SF Giants Home Opener through and discovered he was my seat mate. We didn't talk much.
In 2014 I again purchased a ticket for the SF Giants Home Opener, again through, and got this:
Today I decided to see if I could purchase a ticket to the 2015 SF Giants Home Opener and again went to MLB, chose the April 13 game, clicked on the "Best Available - All Price Levels" button and this is the ticket the system chose for me.
But of course you knew that was going to happen (and in my heart, so did I.)
Don't tell me the universe doesn't have a sense of humor.